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Snooki: "Most Fascinating What?"


Yes, after all these years, Time Magazine has finally squandered the “Man/Person of the Year” franchise. Barbara Walters has her annual special of “most fascinating” which, I saw in the sneak preview,  features Snooki.  Matt Lauer ‘s list included Lebron James, Kim Kardashian and Sharif el-Gamal,  the developer of the controversial Islamic prayer center near Ground Zero.  And now my old pal Judith Regan has invited a gang of us for her “person of the year” award on her Sirius radio program. Sorry, Time, but we no longer sit around the dinner table and ponder your annual selection.  It’s more fun to come up with lists in our alternate universe.

I have already hand picked my personal candidates. I’m certain next week’s radio think tank will also come up with some buzzier candidates, at least some more inspired than Time, which is now asking people to click on for their pick online (see below). Read the rest of this entry »